Text Field Type

The text field type provides a single-line text input for users to enter short pieces of text. It is suitable for capturing names, titles, short descriptions, or any input that fits within a single line. This field type allows for quick and straightforward data entry, ensuring consistency and simplicity in the data collected.

YAML Definition

- name: first_name
  type: text
  display_name: "First Name"
  guidance: "Enter the first name."
  required: true
  default_value: ""
  readonly: false


  • name (string): Required.
    The unique identifier for the field.

  • type (string): Required.
    Must be set to text for text fields.

  • display_name (string): Optional.
    The label displayed to the user in the interface. If not provided, a formatted version of name is used.

  • guidance (string): Optional.
    Instructions or help text for the field, assisting users in understanding what to enter.

  • required (boolean): Optional.
    If true, the field must be filled before submission.

  • default_value (string): Optional.
    The default text displayed when the form is first loaded.

  • readonly (boolean): Optional.
    If true, the field is displayed as read-only and cannot be edited by the user.

  • hidden (boolean): Optional.
    If true, the field is hidden from the user interface.

  • validation (string): Optional.
    Validation rules for the text field, such as minimum or maximum length, or regex patterns.


- name: email_address
  type: text
  display_name: "Email Address"
  guidance: "Enter a valid email address."
  required: true
  validation: "email"

In this example:

  • email_address: Captures the user’s email address.
  • validation: Specifies that the input must be in a valid email format.

Usage Notes

  • User Interaction:
    • The text field provides a single-line input for users to enter text.
    • Suitable for short inputs like names, titles, or identifiers.
  • Validation:
    • Use the validation attribute to enforce specific input formats or constraints.
    • Common validation rules include:
      • required: Ensures the field is not left empty.
      • max_length: Limits the number of characters allowed.
      • pattern: Uses a regular expression to validate the input format.
      • email: Validates that the input is a properly formatted email address.
  • Default Values:
    • Use default_value to pre-fill the field with a default text.
    • Helpful for providing placeholders or common defaults.
  • Readonly Fields:
    • Setting readonly to true displays the content without allowing user edits.
    • Useful for displaying system-generated values or information that should not be modified.
  • Guidance and Labels:
    • Provide a clear display_name to help users understand what to enter.
    • Use the guidance attribute to offer additional instructions or examples.
  • Use Cases:
    • Names: First name, last name, or full name entries.
    • Titles: Titles of cases, tasks, or items.
    • Identifiers: Codes, usernames, or short descriptions.
    • Contact Information: Email addresses, phone numbers, or addresses.
  • Internationalization:
    • Support input in multiple languages and character sets.
    • Be mindful of character limits when dealing with languages that use multi-byte characters.
  • Accessibility:
    • Ensure that the text field is accessible via keyboard navigation.
    • Labels and guidance should be clear for users utilizing assistive technologies.

By incorporating the text field type into your schema, you provide users with a simple and efficient way to input short pieces of text, enhancing the usability and data integrity of your application.

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